
Dogtag certificate profiles - certificate requests

The certificate enrolment profiles feature of Dogtag PKI can be used to specify default values and constraints for X.509 certificate fields. This post explores Dogtag certificate profiles and their relationship with the PKCS #10 certificate signing request (CSR) format with a focus on signing request submission. Future posts in this series will focus on the Certificate Authority (CA) side of the profiles feature, and on modifying and defining profiles for specialised use cases.

Let us begin by generating a CSR. This occurs in isolation from Dogtag profiles or certificate enrolment, and is done using certutil (CSRs can also be generated with openssl req).

certutil -R -d .pki/nssdb -o no-CN.req -a -s 'C=AU, ST=Queensland, L=Brisbane, O=Red Hat'

The -o no-CN.req instructs certutil to output the CSR to a file, while -a specifies ASCII output. Note that the subject (given by -s) does not contain a common name (CN) component.

CSRs are submitted to Dogtag in the context of some certificate profile. Available profiles can be listed via pki cert-request-profile-find "", and the Certificate Enrolment Request template for a profile can be retrieved via pki cert-request-profile-show <profile ID> --output <filename>. Let’s have a look at the caServerCert profile template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Input id="i1">
        <Name>Certificate Request Input</Name>
        <Attribute name="cert_request_type">
                <Description>Certificate Request Type</Description>
        <Attribute name="cert_request">
                <Description>Certificate Request</Description>
    <Input id="i2">
        <Name>Requestor Information</Name>
        <Attribute name="requestor_name">
                <Description>Requestor Name</Description>
        <Attribute name="requestor_email">
                <Description>Requestor Email</Description>
        <Attribute name="requestor_phone">
                <Description>Requestor Phone</Description>

The template is XML, containing fields with attributes whose values are not yet specified. Filling out these attributes with the content of the CSR generated earlier along with some ancillary information, we end up with the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <Input id="i1">
        <Name>Certificate Request Input</Name>
        <Attribute name="cert_request_type">
                <Description>Certificate Request Type</Description>
        <Attribute name="cert_request">
                <Description>Certificate Request</Description>
    <Input id="i2">
        <Name>Requestor Information</Name>
        <Attribute name="requestor_name">
                <Description>Requestor Name</Description>
        <Attribute name="requestor_email">
                <Description>Requestor Email</Description>
        <Attribute name="requestor_phone">
                <Description>Requestor Phone</Description>

With these fields filled out, the enrolment request can now be submitted to Dogtag:

$ pki cert-request-submit no-CN-req.xml
Submitted certificate request
  Request ID: 12
  Type: enrollment
  Request Status: rejected
  Operation Result: success

Boo! The enrolment request was rejected. Why? Certificate profiles can specify constraints on user-supplied values in a certificate request. In this case, it was the lack of a CN field in the subject, but profiles can also summarily reject an enrolment request based on other aspects of the embedded CSR, including key type and size.

Let’s now bring some extensions into the mix by generating a new signing request - this time with a valid subject, and with the Key Usage extension configured to indicate a certificate signing certificate (i.e., an intermediate CA). It obviously makes no sense to have this extensions on a server certificate, but let’s submit it with the caServerCert profile again and see what happens.

$ certutil -R -d .pki/nssdb -o usage-ca.req -a --keyUsage certSigning -s 'CN=c2.vm-096.idm.lab.bos.redhat.com'
$ openssl req -text < usage-ca.req
Certificate Request:
        Version: 0 (0x0)
        Subject: CN=c2.vm-096.idm.lab.bos.redhat.com
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (1024 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        Requested Extensions:
            X509v3 Key Usage:
                Certificate Sign
    Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption

We can see that Key Usage extension is present in the request, and contains (only) the Certificate Sign declaration. We fill out and submit the enrolment request with this CSR:

$ pki cert-request-submit usage-ca-req.xml
Submitted certificate request
  Request ID: 14
  Type: enrollment
  Request Status: pending
  Operation Result: success

Perhaps surprisingly, this succeeds and the enrolment request is now pending, waiting for approval (or rejection) by a CA agent. It seems that, at least for the caServerCert profile, the value of the Key Usage extension in a CSR is ignored. The agent interface does allow adjustment of the Key Usage extension, however, and enforces sensible constraints, so no request submitted in the caServerCert profile will ever result in a certificate that could be used as an intermediate CA.

We have seen that Dogtag ignores the Key Usage extension information present in a CSR, but in fact, Dogtag ignores all information in the CSR except for what it specifically extracts. Therefore, requesting a particular key signing algorithm does not necessarily result in a certificate signed using that algorithm, and requesting some extension unknown in the selected profile (e.g., the Certificate Policies extension, which can be included in a CSR via the --extCP argument to certmonger) will certainly not be present in the certificate.

As a newcomer to the Dogtag PKI I find this behaviour somewhat limiting and would like to investigate whether the profiles system supports profiles that afford more control over the presense of extensions or the signing process, or what it would take to get this support.

The next post in this series will investigate how profiles are defined and the kinds of inputs and constraints they support.

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