
Daniel J. Bernstein lecture on software (in)security

Building secure software and secure software systems is obviously an important part of my job as a developer on the FreeIPA identity management and Dogtag PKI projects here at Red Hat. Last night I had the privilege of attending a lecture by the renowned Research Professor Daniel J. Bernstein at Queensland University of Technology entitled Making sure software stays insecure (slides). The abstract of his talk:

We have to watch and listen to everything that people are doing so that we can catch terrorists, drug dealers, pedophiles, and organized criminals. Some of this data is sent unencrypted through the Internet, or sent encrypted to a company that passes the data along to us, but we learn much more when we have comprehensive direct access to hundreds of millions of disks and screens and microphones and cameras. This talk explains how we’ve successfully manipulated the world’s software ecosystem to ensure our continuing access to this wealth of data. This talk will not cover our efforts against encryption, and will not cover our hardware back doors.

Of course, Prof. Bernstein was not the “we” of the abstract. Rather, the lecture, in its early part, took the form of a thought experiment suggesting how this manipulation could be taking place. In the latter part of the lecture, Prof. Bernstein justified and discussed some security primitives he feels are missing from today’s software.

I will now briefly recount the lecture and the Q&A that followed (a reconstitution of my handwritten notes; some paraphrase and omissions have occurred), then wrap up with my thoughts about the lecture.

Lecture notes §

Introduction §

Distract users §

Distract programmers §

Distract researchers §

Discourage security §

Definition of security §

Example: file sharing §

Example: web browsing §

Conclusion §

Q&A: Identification of sources §

Q&A: Marking regions of file with different sources §

Discussion §

This was a thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable lecture. It was quite narrow in scope, defining and justifying one class of security primitives that Prof. Bernstein believes are essential. The question of how to identify a source did not come up until the Q&A. Primitives to enable privacy or anonymity did not come up at all. I suppose that by not mentioning them, Prof. Bernstein was making the point that they are orthogonal problem spaces (a sentiment I would agree with).

I should also note that there was no mention of any integrity policy #2, security metric #2, or so on. My interpretation of this is that Prof. Bernstein believes that the #1 definitions are sufficient in the domain of data provenance, but there are other reasonable interpretations.

The point about keeping the trusted computing base as simple and as small as possible was one of the big take-aways for me. His response to my question implies that he feels it is preferable to incur costs in complexity and implementation time outside the TCB, perhaps many times over, in pursuit of the goal of TCB auditability.

Finally, Prof. Bernstein is not alone in lamenting the current trust model in the PKI of the Internet. It didn’t have a lot to do with the message of his lecture, but I nevertheless look forward to learning more about GNUnet and checking out TweetNaCl.

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