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Configuring FreeBSD as a FreeIPA client

A recent thread on the freeipa-users mailing list highlighted one user's experience with setting up FreeBSD as a FreeIPA client, complete with SSSD and Sudo integration. GNU+Linux systems have ipa-client-install, but the lack of an equivalent on FreeBSD means that much of the configuration must be done manually. There is a lot of room for error, and this user encountered several “gotchas” and caveats.

Services that require manual configuration include PAM, NSS, Kerberos and SSSD. Certain features may require even more services to be configured, such as sshd, for known_hosts management. Most of the steps have been outlined in a post on the FreeBSD forums.

But before one can even begin configuring all these services, SSSD, Sudo and related software and dependencies must be installed. Unfortunately, as also outlined in the forum post, non-default port options and a certain make.conf variable must be set in order to build the software such that the system can be used as a FreeIPA client. Similarly, the official binary package repositories do not provide the packages in a suitable configuration.

This post details how I built a custom binary package repository for FreeBSD and how administrators can use it to install exactly the right packages needed to operate as a FreeIPA client. Not all FreeBSD administrators will want to take this path, but those who do will not have to worry about getting the ports built correctly, and will save some time since the packages come pre-built.

Custom package repository §

poudriere is a tool for creating binary package repositories compatible with FreeBSD’s next-generation pkg(8) package manager (also known as “pkgng”.) The official package repositories are built using poudriere, but anyone can use it to build their own package repositories. Repositories are built in isolated jails (an OS-level virtualisation technology similar to LXC or Docker) and can build packages from a list of ports (or the entire ports tree) with customised options. A customised make.conf file can also be supplied for each jail.

Providing a custom repository with FreeIPA-compatible packages is a practical way to help people wanting to use FreeBSD with FreeIPA. It means fewer steps in preparing a system as a FreeIPA client (fewer opportunities to make mistakes), and also saves a substantial amount of time since the administrator doesn’t need to build any ports. The BSD Now podcast has a detailed poudriere tutorial; all the detail on how to use poudriere is included there, so I will just list the FreeIPA-specific configuration for the FreeIPA repository:

The repository is currently being built for FreeBSD 10.0 (both amd64 and i386.) 10.1 is not far away; once it is released I will build it for 10.1 instead. If anyone out there would like it built for FreeBSD 9.3 I can do that too - just let me know!

Assuming the custom repository is available for the release and architecture of the FreeBSD system, the following script will enable the repository and install the required packages.

pkg install -y ca_root_nss
ln -s /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt /etc/ssl/cert.pem
mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
cat >/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeIPA.conf <<"EOF"
FreeIPA: {
  url: "https://frase.id.au/pkg/${ABI}_FreeIPA",
  signature_type: "pubkey",
  pubkey: "/usr/share/keys/pkg/FreeIPA.pem",
  enabled: yes
cat >/usr/share/keys/pkg/FreeIPA.pem <<EOF
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
pkg update
pkg install -r FreeIPA -y cyrus-sasl-gssapi sssd sudo

Once the packages are installed from the custom repository, configuration can continue as indicated in the forum post.

Future efforts §

This post was concerned with package installation. This is an important but relatively small part of setting up a FreeBSD client. There is more that can be done to make it easier to integrate FreeBSD (and other non-GNU+Linux systems) with FreeIPA. I will conclude this post with some ideas along this trajectory.

Recent versions of FreeIPA include the ipa-advise tool, which explains how various legacy systems can be configured to some extent as FreeIPA clients. ipa-advise config-freebsd-nss-pam-ldapd shows advice on how to configure a FreeBSD system, but the information is out of date in many respects - it references the old binary package tools (which have now been completely removed) and has no information about SSSD. This information should be updated. I have had this task on a sticky-note for a little while now, but if someone else beats me to it, that would be no bad thing.

The latest major version of SSSD is 1.12, but the FreeBSD port is back at 1.9. The 1.9 release is a long-term maintenance (LTM) release, but any efforts to bring 1.12 to FreeBSD alongside 1.9 would undoubtedly be appreciated by the port maintainer and users.

A longer term goal should be a port of (or an equivalent to) ipa-client-install for FreeBSD. Most of the software needed for FreeIPA integration on FreeBSD is similar or identical to that used on GNU+Linux, but there are some differences. It would be a time consuming task - lots of trial runs and testing - but probably not particularly difficult.

In regards to the package repository, work is underway to add support for package "flavours" to the FreeBSD packaging infrastructure. When this feature is ready, a small effort should be undertaken to add a FreeIPA flavour to the ports tree, and ensure that the resultant packages are made available in the official package repository. Once this is achieved, neither manual port builds nor the custom package repository will be required - everything needed to configure FreeBSD as a FreeIPA client will be available to all FreeBSD users by default.

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