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Deploying FreeIPA with a 4096-bit CA signing key

Recent versions of FreeIPA create a 3072-bit CA signing key by default. Older versions used 2048-bit signing keys. Until recently, there was no supported way to deploy FreeIPA with a larger signing key. It was an open secret that you could hack a single file to change the key size when deploying, and everything would work just fine. But still, it was not supported or recommended to do this.

As of FreeIPA 4.8 (RHEL 8.1; Fedora 30) there is an officially supported way to choose a different key size when installing FreeIPA. In this short post I will demonstrate how to do it.

First, an admonition. Choosing a larger key size can negatively affect performance, for both signing and verification (i.e. all clients are affected). 4096-bit RSA operations are twice as slow as 3072-bit RSA, but the bits of security grows at a smaller rate. 3072-bit RSA has 128 bits of security, but 4096-bit RSA only increases your security to 140 bits. For 256 bits of security you need a 15360-bit key. In practice 3072-bit RSA is expected to be secure for at least another decade.

With that out of the way, let’s look at how to do it. The procedure works for both self-signed and externally-signed CAs. It is done via the --pki-config-override option, which allows the server administrator to specify a file that sets or overrides Dogtag pkispawn(8) configuration directives. pki_default.cfg(5) gives a comprehensive overview of the directives available, although not all of these are allowed to be overriden in a FreeIPA installation (ipa-server-install itself checks the file for directives that are not allowed to be overridden).

Fortunately, override is allowed for the pki_ca_signing_key_size directive. Setting this to 4096 (or some other sensible value) will have the desired effect, as the following transcript demonstrates:

[root@rhel82-0 ~]# cat > pki_override.cfg <<EOF

[root@rhel82-0 ~]# ipa-server-install \
    --unattended \
    --realm IPA.LOCAL \
    --ds-password "$DM_PASS" --admin-password "$ADMIN_PASS" \
    --external-ca \
    --pki-config-override $PWD/pki_override.cfg

... stuff happens ...

  [1/10]: configuring certificate server instance
The next step is to get /root/ipa.csr signed by your
CA and re-run /usr/sbin/ipa-server-install as:
/usr/sbin/ipa-server-install \
  --external-cert-file=/path/to/signed_certificate \
The ipa-server-install command was successful

[root@rhel82-0 ~]# openssl req -text < /root/ipa.csr | head
Certificate Request:
        Version: 1 (0x0)
        Subject: O = IPA.LOCAL, CN = Certificate Authority
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                RSA Public-Key: (4096 bit)

The key size is 4096-bit, as expected. Had the --external-ca option not been provided a 4096-bit self-signed CA would have been created and the installation would have run to completion.

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