
Dynamic volume provisioning with OpenShift storage classes

For containerised applications that require persistent storage, the Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) object provides the link between a PersistentVolume (PV) and the pod. When scaling such an application or even deploying it the first time, the operator (human or otherwise) has to create the PVC; the pod specification can then refer to it.

For example, a StatefulSet object can optionally specify volumeClaimTemplates alongside the pod template. As the application creates pods, so will it create the associated PVCs according to the defined templates.

But PVCs need PVs to bind to. Can these also be created on the fly? And if so, how can we abstract over the details of the underlying storage provider(s), which may vary from cluster to cluster? In this post I provide an overview of storage classes, which solve these problems.

Creating volumes §

A cluster can provide a variety of types of volumes: Ceph, NFS, hostPath, iSCSI and several more. Storage types of the infrastructure the cluster is deployed in may also be available, e.g. AWS EBS, Azure Disk, GCE PersistentDisk (PD), Cinder (OpenStack), etc.

Creating a PersistentVolume requires knowing about what volume types are supported, and possibly additional details about that storage type. For example, to create a PV based on a GCE PD:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: pv-test
    storage: 100Gi
  - ReadWriteOnce
    pdName: my-data-disk
    fsType: ext4
      - matchExpressions:
        - key: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone
          operator: In
          - us-central1-a
          - us-central1-b

Creating this PV required:

Having to know these details and encoding them into an application’s deployment manifests imposes a greater burden on administrators, or necessitates more complex operators, or results in a less portable application. Or some combination of those outcomes.

Storage classes §

What we really want is to abstract over the storage implementations. We want to able to specify some high-level characteristics of the storage (e.g. block or file, fast or slow?). This is what storage classes provide. Then when we create a PVC, we can specify the desired capacity and class, and the cluster should dynamically provision an appropriate volume. As a result, applications are simpler to deploy and more portable.

To see the storage classes available in a cluster:

ftweedal% oc get storageclass
standard (default)   kubernetes.io/cinder   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   28d

This cluster has only one storage class, called standard. It is also the default storage class for this cluster. To use dynamic provisioning, in the PVC spec instead of volumeName specify storageClassName:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-test
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
  storageClassName: standard

If you want to use the default storage class, you can even omit the storageClassName field:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-test
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi

Dynamic provisioning in action §

Let’s see what actually happens when we use dynamic provisioning. We will observe what objects are created and how their status changes as we create, use and delete a PVC that uses the default storage class.

First let’s see what PVs exist:

ftweedal% oc get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS    CLAIM                                             STORAGECLASS   REASON    AGE
pvc-d3bc7c81-8a24-4318-a914-296dbdc5ec3f   100Gi      RWO            Delete           Bound     openshift-image-registry/image-registry-storage   standard                 7d22h

There is one PV, with a 100Gi capacity. It is used for the image registry.

Now, lets create pvc-test as specified above:

ftweedal% oc create -f deploy/pvc-test.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-test created

ftweedal% oc get pvc pvc-test
pvc-test   Pending                                       standard       11s

ftweedal% oc get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS    CLAIM                                             STORAGECLASS   REASON    AGE
pvc-d3bc7c81-8a24-4318-a914-296dbdc5ec3f   100Gi      RWO            Delete           Bound     openshift-image-registry/image-registry-storage   standard                 7d22h

ftweedal% oc get pvc pvc-test -o yaml |grep storageClassName
storageClassName: standard

The PVC pvc-test was created and has status pending. No new PV has been created yet. Finally note that the PVC has storageClassName: standard (which is the cluster default).

Now lets create a pod that uses pvc-test, mounting it at /data. The pod spec is:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: pod-test
    - name: pod-test-container
      image: freeipa/freeipa-server:fedora-31
        - mountPath: "/data"
          name: data
        - sleep
        - "3600"
    - name: data
        claimName: pvc-test

After creating the pod we will write a file under /data, delete then re-create the pod, and observe that the file we wrote persists.

ftweedal% oc create -f deploy/pod-test.yaml
pod/pod-test created

ftweedal% oc exec pod-test -- sh -c 'echo "hello world" > /data/foo'

ftweedal% oc delete pod pod-test
pod "pod-test" deleted

ftweedal% oc create -f deploy/pod-test.yaml
pod/pod-test created

ftweedal% oc exec pod-test -- cat /data/foo
hello world

ftweedal% oc delete pod pod-test
pod "pod-test" deleted

This confirms that the PVC works as intended. Let’s check the status of the PVC and PVs to see what happened behind the scenes:

ftweedal% oc get pvc pvc-test
NAME       STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
pvc-test   Bound     pvc-26d82d50-8e66-4938-bdee-f28ff2bcb49c   10Gi       RWO            standard       16m

ftweedal% oc get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS    CLAIM                                             STORAGECLASS   REASON    AGE
pvc-26d82d50-8e66-4938-bdee-f28ff2bcb49c   10Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound     ftweedal-operator/pvc-test                        standard                 4m53s
pvc-d3bc7c81-8a24-4318-a914-296dbdc5ec3f   100Gi      RWO            Delete           Bound     openshift-image-registry/image-registry-storage   standard                 7d23h

Before creating the pod pvc-test had status Pending. Now it is Bound to the volume pvc-26d82d50-8e66-4938-bdee-f28ff2bcb49c which was dynamically provisioned with capacity 10Gi as required by pvc-test.

Finally as we delete pvc-test, observe the automatic deletion of the dynamically provisioned volume:

ftweedal% oc delete pvc pvc-test
persistentvolumeclaim "pvc-test" deleted

ftweedal% oc get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS    CLAIM                                             STORAGECLASS   REASON    AGE
pvc-d3bc7c81-8a24-4318-a914-296dbdc5ec3f   100Gi      RWO            Delete           Bound     openshift-image-registry/image-registry-storage   standard                 7d23h

pvc-26d82d50-8e66-4938-bdee-f28ff2bcb49c went away, as expected.

Conclusion §

As we work toward operationalising FreeIPA in OpenShift, I am interested in how we can use storage classes to make for a smooth deployment across different environments and especially those for which OpenShift Dedicated is available.

I also need to learn more about the best practices or common idioms for representing in storage classes the application suitability (e.g. file versus block storage) or performance characteristics of supported volume types in a cluster. To make it a bit more concrete, consider that for performance reasons we might require low-latency/high-throughput block storage for the 389 DS LDAP database storage. How can we express this abstract requirement such that we get a satisfactory result across a variety of “clouds” with no administrator effort? Hopefully storage classes are the answer. But if they are not the whole solution, from what I have learned so far I have a strong feeling that they will be a bit part of the solution.

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