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Live-testing changes in OpenShift clusters

I have been hacking on the runc container runtime. So how do I test my changes in an OpenShift cluster?

One option is to compose a machine-os-content release via coreos-assembler. Then you can deploy or upgrade a cluster with that release. Indeed, this approach is necessary for testing installation and upgrades. It also seems useful for publishing modified versions for other people to test. But it is a heavyweight and time consuming option.

For development I want a more lightweight approach. In this post I’ll demonstrate how to use the rpm-ostree usroverlay and rpm-ostree override replace commands to test changes in a live OpenShift cluster.

Background §

OpenShift runs on CoreOS. CoreOS uses OSTree to manage the filesystem. Most of the filesystem is immutable. When upgrading, a new filesystem is prepared before rebooting the system. The old filesystem is preserved, so it is easy to roll back.

So I can’t just log onto an OpenShift node and replace /usr/bin/runc with my modified version. Nevertheless, I have seen references to the rpm-ostree usroverlay command. It is supposed to provide a writable overlayfs on /usr, so that you can test modifications. Changes are lost upon reboot, but that’s fine for testing.

There’s also the rpm-ostree override replace … command. This command works on the level of RPM packages. It allows you to install new packages or replace or remove packages. Changes persist across reboots, but it is easy to roll back to the pristine state of the current CoreOS release.

The rest of this article explores how to use these two commands to apply changes to the cluster.

usroverlay via debug container (doesn’t work) §

I first attempted to use rpm-ostree usroverlay in a node debug pod.

% oc debug node/worker-a
Starting pod/worker-a-debug ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
sh-4.2# chroot /host
sh-4.4# rpm-ostree usroverlay
Development mode enabled.  A writable overlayfs is now mounted on /usr.
All changes there will be discarded on reboot.
sh-4.4# touch /usr/bin/foo
touch: cannot touch '/usr/bin/foo': Read-only file system

The rpm-ostree usroverlay command succeeded. But /usr remained read-only. The debug container has its own mount namespace, which was unaffected. I guess that I need to log into the node directly to use the writable /usr overlay. Perhaps it is also necessary to execute rpm-ostree usroverlay as an unconfined user (in the SELinux sense). I restarted the node to begin afresh:

sh-4.4# reboot

Removing debug pod ...

usroverlay via SSH §

For the next attempt, I logged into the worker node over SSH. The first step was to add the SSH public key to the core user’s authorized_keys file. Roberto Carratalá’s helpful blog post explains how to do this. I will recap the critical bits.

SSH keys can be added via MachineConfig objects, which must also specify the machine role (e.g. worker). The Machine Config Operator will only add keys to the core user. Multiple keys can be specified, across multiple MachineConfig objects—all the keys in matching objects will be included.

I don’t have direct network access to the worker node. So how could I log in over SSH? I generated a key in the node debug shell, and will log in from there!

sh-4.4# ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Created directory '/root/.ssh'.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:jAmv…NMnY root@worker-a
sh-4.4# cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
ssh-rsa AAAA…4OU= root@worker-a

The following MachineConfig adds the SSH key for user core:

apiVersion: machineconfiguration.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachineConfig
  name: ssh-authorized-keys-worker
    machineconfiguration.openshift.io/role: worker
      version: 3.2.0
      - name: core
        - ssh-rsa AAAA…40U= root@worker-a

I created the MachineConfig:

% oc create -f machineconfig-ssh-worker.yaml
machineconfig.machineconfiguration.openshift.io/ssh-authorized-keys created

In the node debug shell, I observed that Machine Config Operator applied the change after a few seconds. It did not restart the worker node. My key was added alongside a key defined in some other MachineConfig.

sh-4.4# cat /var/home/core/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAA…jjNV devenv

ssh-rsa AAAA…4OU= root@worker-a

Now I could log in over SSH:

sh-4.4# ssh core@$(hostname)
The authenticity of host 'worker-a (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:LUaZOleqVFunmLCp4/E1naIQ+E5BpmVp0gcsXHGacPE.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'worker-a,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 48.84.202106231817-0
  Part of OpenShift 4.8, RHCOS is a Kubernetes native operating system
  managed by the Machine Config Operator (`clusteroperator/machine-config`).

WARNING: Direct SSH access to machines is not recommended; instead,
make configuration changes via `machineconfig` objects:

[core@worker-a ~]$

The user is unconfined and I can see the normal, read-only (ro) /usr mount (but no overlay):

[core@worker-a ~]$ id -Z
[core@worker-a ~]$ mount |grep "on /usr"
/dev/sda4 on /usr type xfs (ro,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,prjquota)
overlay on /usr type overlay (rw,relatime,seclabel,lowerdir=usr,upperdir=/var/tmp/ostree-unlock-ovl.KZ4V50/upper,workdir=/var/tmp/ostree-unlock-ovl.KZ4V50/work)

I executed rpm-ostree usroverlay via sudo. After that, a read-write (rw) overlay filesystem is visible:

[core@worker-a ~]$ sudo rpm-ostree usroverlay
Development mode enabled.  A writable overlayfs is now mounted on /usr.
All changes there will be discarded on reboot.
[core@worker-a ~]$ mount |grep "on /usr"
/dev/sda4 on /usr type xfs (ro,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,prjquota)
overlay on /usr type overlay (rw,relatime,seclabel,lowerdir=usr,upperdir=/var/tmp/ostree-unlock-ovl.TCPM50/upper,workdir=/var/tmp/ostree-unlock-ovl.TCPM50/work)

And it is indeed writable. I made a copy of the original runc binary, then installed my modified version:

[core@worker-a ~]$ sudo cp /usr/bin/runc /usr/bin/runc.orig
[core@worker-a ~]$ sudo curl -Ss -o /usr/bin/runc \

Digression: use a buildroot §

The runc executable I installed on the previous step didn’t work. I had built it on my workstation, against a too-new version of glibc. The OpenShift node (which was running RHCOS 4.8, based on RHEL 8.4) was unable to link runc. Therefore it could not run any container workloads. I was able to SSH in from another node and reboot, discarding the transient change in the usroverlay and restoring the node to a functional state.

All of this is obvious in hindsight. You have to build the program for the environment in which it will be executed. In my case, it was easiest to do this via Brew or Koji. I cloned the dist-git repository (via the fedpkg or rhpkg tool), created patches and updated the runc.spec file. Then I built the SRPM (.src.rpm) and started a scratch build in Brew. After the build completed I made the resulting .rpm publicly available, so that it can be fetched from the OpenShift cluster.

override replace via node debug container §

I now have my modified runc in an RPM package. So I can use rpm-ostree override replace to install it. In a debug node on the host:

sh-4.4# rpm-ostree override replace \
Downloading 'https://ftweedal.fedorapeople.org/runc-1.0.0-98.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8.x86_64.rpm'... done!
Checking out tree eb6dd3b... done
No enabled rpm-md repositories.
Importing rpm-md... done
Resolving dependencies... done
Applying 1 override
Processing packages... done
Running pre scripts... done
Running post scripts... done
Running posttrans scripts... done
Writing rpmdb... done
Writing OSTree commit... done
Staging deployment... done
  runc 1.0.0-97.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8 -> 1.0.0-98.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8
Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot

rpm-ostree downloaded the package and prepared the updated OS. Per the advice, the update is not active yet; I need to reboot:

sh-4.4# rpm -q runc
sh-4.4# systemctl reboot
sh-4.4# exit
Removing debug pod ...

After reboot I started a node debug container and verified that the modified version of runc is visible:

% oc debug node/worker-a
Starting pod/worker-a-debug ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
sh-4.2# chroot /host
sh-4.4# rpm -q runc

And the fact that the debug container is working proves that the modified version of runc isn’t completely broken! Testing the new functionality is a topic for a different post, so I’ll leave it at that.

Listing and resetting overrides §

rpm-ostree status --booted lists the current base image and any overrides that have been applied:

sh-4.4# rpm-ostree status --booted
State: idle
* pivot://quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:9a23adde268dc8937ae293594f58fc4039b574210f320ebdac85a50ef40220dd
              CustomOrigin: Managed by machine-config-operator
                   Version: 48.84.202106231817-0 (2021-06-23T18:21:06Z)
      ReplacedBasePackages: runc 1.0.0-97.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8 -> 1.0.0-98.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8

To reset an override for a specific package, run rpm-ostree override reset $PKG:

sh-4.4# rpm-ostree override reset runc
Staging deployment... done
Freed: 1.1 GB (pkgcache branches: 0)
  runc 1.0.0-98.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8 -> 1.0.0-97.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8
Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot

To reset all overrides, execute rpm-ostree reset:

sh-4.4# rpm-ostree reset
Staging deployment... done
Freed: 54.8 MB (pkgcache branches: 0)
  runc 1.0.0-98.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8 -> 1.0.0-97.rhaos4.8.gitcd80260.el8
Run "systemctl reboot" to start a reboot

Discussion §

I achieved my goal of installed a modified runc executable on an OpenShift node. There were two approaches:

  1. rpm-ostree usroverlay creates a writable overlay on /usr. The overlay disappears at reboot, which is fine for my testing needs. This technique doesn’t work from a node debug container; you have to log in over SSH, which requires additional steps to add SSH keys.

  2. rpm-ostree override replace overrides a particular package RPM. The change takes effect after reboot and is persistent. It is easy to rollback or reset the override. This technique does not require SSH login; it works fine in a node debug container.

Because I needed to build my package in a RHEL 8.4 / RHCOS 4.8 buildroot, I used Brew. The build artifacts are RPMs. Therefore rpm-ostree override replace is the most convenient option for me.

Both options apply changes per-node. After confirming with CoreOS developers, there is currently no way to roll out a package override cluster-wide or to a defined group of nodes (e.g. to MachineConfigPool/worker via a MachineConfig). So for now, you either have to apply changes/overrides on specific nodes, or build the whole machine-os-content image and upgrade the cluster. As a container runtime developer, my sweet spot is in a gulf between the existing options. I can tolerate this mild annoyance on the assumption that it discourages messing around in production environments.

In the meantime, now that I have worked out how to install my modified runc onto worker nodes, I will get on with testing it!

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