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Bare TCP and UDP ingress on Kubernetes

Kubernetes and OpenShift have good solutions for routing HTTP/HTTPS traffic to the right applications. But for ingress of bare TCP (that is, not HTTP(S) or TLS with SNI) or UDP traffic, the situation is more complicated. In this post I demonstrate how to use LoadBalancer Service objects to route bare TCP and UDP traffic to your Kubernetes applications.

Example service §

For testing purposes I wrote a basic echo server. It listens on both TCP and UDP port 12345, and merely upper-cases and returns the data it receives:

import socketserver
import threading

def serve_tcp():
    class Handler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
        def handle(self):
            while True:
                data = self.rfile.readline()
                if not data:

    with socketserver.TCPServer(('', 12345), Handler) as server:

def serve_udp():
    class Handler(socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler):
        def handle(self):

    with socketserver.UDPServer(('', 12345), Handler) as server:

if __name__ == "__main__":

The Containerfile adds this program to the official Fedora 35 container and declares the entry point:

FROM fedora:35-x86_64
COPY echo.py .
CMD [ "python3", "echo.py" ]

I published the container image on Quay.io. The Pod spec references it:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: echo
    app: echo
  - name: server
    image: quay.io/ftweedal/udpecho:latest

I defined a new project namespace echo and created the Pod:

% oc new-project echo
Now using project "echo" on server


% oc create -f pod-echo.yaml
pod/echo created

Create Service object §

My application is not talking HTTP, so I can’t use the normal Ingress or Route facilities to get traffic to my app.

HTTP and HTTPS traffic includes the Host header, which the ingress system can inspect to route requests to a particular Pod. Similarly, TLS with the Server Name (SNI) extension allows TLS traffic to be routed to a particular Pod (the Pod will perform the handshake). Neither approach works for UDP packets or “bare” TCP connections.

Therefore, I define a LoadBalancer Service. The service controller will ask the cloud provider to create a load balancer that routes external traffic into the cluster. For example, on AWS it will (by default) create an ELB (Elastic Load Balancer) instance.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echo
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: echo
  - name: tcpecho
    protocol: TCP
    port: 12345
  - name: udpecho
    protocol: UDP
    port: 12345

OK, let’s create the Service:

% oc create -f service-echo.yaml 
The Service "echo" is invalid: spec.ports: Invalid value:
[]core.ServicePort{core.ServicePort{Name:"tcpecho", Protocol:"TCP",
AppProtocol:(*string)(nil), Port:12345,
TargetPort:intstr.IntOrString{Type:0, IntVal:12345, StrVal:""},
NodePort:0}, core.ServicePort{Name:"udpecho", Protocol:"UDP",
AppProtocol:(*string)(nil), Port:12345,
TargetPort:intstr.IntOrString{Type:0, IntVal:12345, StrVal:""},
NodePort:0}}: may not contain more than 1 protocol when type is

Well, that’s unfortunate. Kubernetes does not support LoadBalancer services with mixed protocol. KEP 1435 is in progress to address this. It is a gated “alpha” feature since Kubernetes 1.20. Cloud provider support is currently mixed but work is ongoing.

So for now, I have to create separate Service objects for UDP and TCP ingress. As a consequence, there will be different public IP addresses for TCP and UDP. Whether this is a problem depends on the application. Applications that use SRV records to locate servers can handle this scenario. Kerberos is such an application (modern implementations, at least). Applications that use A or AAAA records directly might have problems.

The other downside is cost. Cloud providers charge money for load balancer instances. The more you use, the more you pay.

Below is the definition of my decomposed Service objects:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echo-udp
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: echo
  - name: udpecho
    protocol: UDP
    port: 12345
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echo-tcp
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: echo
  - name: tcpecho
    protocol: TCP
    port: 12345

Creating the objects now succeeds:

% oc create -f service-echo.yaml 
service/echo-udp created
service/echo-tcp created

To find out the hostname or IP address of the load balancer ingress endpoint, inspect the status field of the Service object:

% oc get -o json service \
    | jq -c '.items[] | (.metadata.name, .status)'

Most cloud providers report an IP address. That includes Google Cloud (GCP) where this cluster was deployed. On the other hand, AWS reports a DNS name. Below is the result of creating my service objects on an cluster hosted on AWS:

% oc get -o json service \
    | jq -c '.items[] | (.metadata.name, .status)'

ELB successfully created a load balancer for the TCP port. But something is wrong with the UDP service. The events give more information:

% oc get event --field-selector involvedObject.name=echo-udp
LAST SEEN   TYPE      REASON                   OBJECT             MESSAGE
94s         Normal    EnsuringLoadBalancer     service/echo-udp   Ensuring load balancer
94s         Warning   SyncLoadBalancerFailed   service/echo-udp   Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: Protocol UDP not supported by LoadBalancer

Load balancer creation failed with the error:

Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: Protocol UDP not supported by LoadBalancer

The workaround is to add an annotation to request a Network Load Balancer (NLB) instance instead of ELB (the default):

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echo-udp
    service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: "nlb"

After adding the annotation, both load balancers are configured:

% oc get -o json service \
    | jq -c '.items[] | (.metadata.name, .status)'

aws-load-balancer-type is one of several annotations for modifying AWS load balancer configuration. See the AWS Cloud Provider documentation for the full list.

Testing the ingress §

Using the IP address or DNS name from the status field, you can use nc(1) to verify that the server is contactable.

% echo hello | nc 12345

% nc --udp 12345
hello                             -- input
HELLO                             -- response

I was able to talk to my echo server via both TCP and UDP.

If using TLS or DTLS, you could instead use OpenSSL’s s_client(1) to test connectivity.

Use hostname instead of IP address if that is how the cloud provider reports the ingress endpoint.

Reaching the service via DNS §

The cloud provider has set up the load balancer and the ingress IP addresses or hostnames are reported in the status field of the Service object(s). Now you probably wish to set up DNS records so that clients can use an established domain name to find the server.

I can’t go deep into this topic in this post, because I am still exploring this problem space myself. But I can describe some possible solutions at a high level.

One possibility is to teach your application controller to manage the required DNS records. It would monitor the Service objects and reconcile the external DNS configuration with what it sees. The number and kind of records to be created will vary depending on whether the cloud providers reports the ingress points as hostnames or IP addresses:

Ingress endpoint Resolution method Records needed
hostname direct CNAME
hostname SRV SRV
ip direct A/AAAA

Most applications have similar needs, so it would make sense to encapsulate this behaviour in a controller that configures arbitrary external DNS providers. That’s what the Kubernetes ExternalDNS project is all about. Provider stability varies; at time of writing the only stable providers are Google Cloud DNS and AWS Route 53.

Integration with OpenShift is via the ExternalDNS Operator. This is an active area of work and ExternalDNS will hopefully be an officially supported part of OpenShift in a future release.

I haven’t actually played with ExternalDNS yet so can’t say much more about it at this time. Only that it looks like a very useful solution!

Finally, recall the caveats I mentioned earlier about applications that require ingress of both TCP and UDP traffic. KEP 1435, along with cloud provider support, should resolve this issue eventually.

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