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Refactoring using type classes and optics

Often when writing programs and functions, one starts off with concrete types that solve the problem at hand. At some later time, due to emerging requirements or observed patterns, or just to improve code readability and reusability, we refactor to make the code more polymorphic. The importance of not breaking your API typically ranges from nice to have (e.g. minimise rework but not otherwise necessary) to paramount (e.g. in a popular, foundational library). This post is a case study of a refactoring in the jose library demonstrating how type classes help achieve API stability while admitting new use cases. Served with a side of classy optics.

Background: verifying a JWS §

In the jose library, the verifyJWS function verifies a JSON Web Signature (JWS) object:

  ::  ( HasAlgorithms a, HasValidationPolicy a
      , AsError e, MonadError e m
      , HasJWSHeader h, HasParams h
  => a
  -> JWK
  -> JWS h
  -> m ()

verifyJWS is applied to a configuration value, a JSON Web Key (JWK) to use for validation, and the JWS, and returns () on success otherwise throws an error.

A JWS can have multiple signatures, each by a different key. If an application requires all signatures to be valid, it is difficult to perform the correct validation using the existing verifyJWS function. Unsurprisingly, someone raised an issue to address this. Specifically, the issue asked for a way to use a JWK Set instead of a single JWK, where the JWK Set contains all the keys that can be used for validation (and possibly others). JWK Set is defined by RFC 7515 as an array of JWKs. Its definition in jose is below (it is a newtype because it needs custom instances for JSON encoding/decoding).

newtype JWKSet = JWKSet [JWK]

How can we support verification when the caller has a JWKSet? Do we add an alternative verification function that applies to JWKSet instead of JWK? I did not want multiple functions in the API for essentially the same thing. We could make the caller construct a singleton JWKSet, but changing the signature of verifyJWS would break the API, so we won’t do that either.

Looking beyond JWK Set §

At first, we could only validate with a single JWK at a time. Now, we want to be able to handle a JWKSet too. So are there other “key-bearing” structures we might need to handle?

Indeed there are. One might want to use a [JWK], NonEmpty JWK or other container types. Many container types constructors have an instance of Foldable, so we could try to use that abstraction. This is rather boring, but it’s an additional valid use case. So, can we refactor verifyJWS to use Foldable?

It is a nice idea, but the answer is no. First, Foldable t => t has kind (* -> *), but JWKSet has kind *. Turning JWKSet into a generic container doesn’t make sense either. Second, we still want our function to work with a plain old JWK, which also has kind *.

At this point I realised that that if I want to make verifyJWS polymorphic, and support JWK and JWKSet and arbitrary containers as “key sources”, and avoid breaking the API, there was only one way forward. It was necessary to define a new type class to represent a “provider of keys”:

class JWKStore a where
  keys :: ???

What should the type of keys be? Conceptually, it would be applied to a JWKStore a => a and yield the JWK values contained within. For the validation use case there is no need to be able to add or update keys, i.e. it is read-only. Fold a JWK is a good fit for the requirement. A Fold is a read-only optic that that can retrieve multiple (zero or more) values. The beauty of optics is that they can be composed together and Fold is no different. The Fold type is provided by the lens library, along with a bunch of useful helper functions.

The key store interface (type class) and instances were defined as follows:

class JWKStore a where
  keys :: Fold a JWK

instance JWKStore JWK where
  keys = id

instance Foldable t => JWKStore (t JWK) where
  keys = folding id

instance JWKStore JWKSet where
  keys = folding (\(JWKSet xs) -> xs)

(Note that the instance for Foldable t => t JWK requires the FlexibleInstances GHC extension.)

The updated type signature for verifyJWS:

  ::  ( HasAlgorithms a, HasValidationPolicy a
      , AsError e, MonadError e m
      , HasJWSHeader h, HasParams h
      , JWKStore k
  => a
  -> k
  -> JWS h
  -> m ()

Existing code applying verifyJWS to a JWK works without changes. The only internal change that was needed was to apply anyOf keys to the existing test. (anyOf is a function provided in lens that returns True if any target of a Fold satisfies a predicate.) The line:

validate s = verifySig p s k == Right True


validate s = anyOf keys ((== Right True) . verifySig p s) k

The technique of using type classes to select optics is called classy optics. The terms classy lenses and classy prisms are also used when referring to those kinds of optics specifically.

My goal was to support validation using a JWKSet without breaking the API or adding more functions. At this point the goal has been achieved. But I mentioned above that JWKSet and Foldable t => t JWK were the boring use cases. Let’s discuss some interesting ones!

Efficient key lookup §

JWS signatures each have a header which, at minimum, indicates the algorithm used (the "alg" member). It can optionally contain other data including a Key ID ("kid"), thumbprint of an X.509 certificate containing the key used make the signature ("x5t@S256"), a JWK for the signing key ("jwk"), and so on. It is not a stretch that if your use case involves many signing keys, you would want to use data available from the signature header to speed up key lookup. Such techniques are common in applied cryptography where many keys are involved. For example, X.509 certificates contain an Authority Key Identifier field, and certificate databases usually provide efficient lookup by key identifier.

So in addition to being able to enumerate keys, we want JWKStore instances to potentially be able to look up keys based on data in the JWS header. I added another function to the type class to accomplish this, along with a sensible default implementation:

class JWKStore a where
  keys :: Fold a JWK

  keysFor :: (HasJWSHeader h) => h -> Fold a JWK
  keysFor _ = keys

As an example, we can instantiate JWKStore a => a at a data type based on HashMap, where keys are indexed by key identifier (an arbitrary string). The keysFor function can efficiently search for a JWK based on the "kid" (Key ID) header parameter from the JWS header. If the "kid" parameter is missing, it yields all the keys.

newtype KidMap = KidMap { getMap :: HashMap String JWK }

instance JWKStore KidMap where
  keys = folding getMap

  keyFor h = case preview (kid . _Just . param) h of
    Just k  -> folding (lookup k . getMap)
    Nothing -> keys

A JWKStore is not just for JWS §

Recall the type of keysFor:

keysFor :: (HasJWSHeader h) => h -> Fold a JWK

h has an explicit HasJWSHeader type class constraint, which allows the implementation to use any information available via that type class to decide what to do. For JWS we’re basically done, but we have forgotten about JSON Web Encryption (JWE). The concept of looking up keys in a key database applies to JWE as well as JWS, but the HasJWSHeader constraint is not suitable when you have a JWE header.

But JWE headers and JWS headers consist of mostly the same fields, with the same types and semantics. So instead of having a type class constraint mentioning the kind of header, we can define a type class for every shared header parameter and constrain keysFor to all of them. I will use classy optics again (lenses this time). There are eleven header fields shared by JWS and JWE headers, but for brevity I’ll pretend there are only three.

class HasAlg a where
  alg :: Lens' a (HeaderParam JWA.JWS.Alg)

class HasKid a where
  kid :: Lens' a (Maybe (HeaderParam String))

class HasX5tS256 a where
  x5tS256 :: Lens' a (Maybe (HeaderParam Types.Base64SHA256))

The class definitions are mundane, as are the instances for JWSHeader:

instance HasAlg JWSHeader where
  alg f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderAlg = a }) =
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderAlg = a' }) (f a)

instance HasKid JWSHeader where
  kid f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderKid = a }) =
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderKid = a' }) (f a)

instance HasX5tS256 JWSHeader where
  x5tS256 f h@(JWSHeader { _jwsHeaderX5tS256 = a }) =
    fmap (\a' -> h { _jwsHeaderX5tS256 = a' }) (f a)

And finally, the updated keysFor type signature:

class JWKStore a where
  keys :: Fold a JWK

    :: (HasAlg h, HasKid h, HasX5tS256)
    => h
    -> Fold a JWK
  keysFor _ = keys

Further development §

I mentioned that the refactor I outlined in this post was not the end of the story. In fact, much more was done since I performed this initial refactoring:

All of these features involved adding type parameters to the JWKStore class. Again, I achieved backwards compatible admittance of new features through increased generality.

However, parameterisation over the header type did make my use of classy lenses (as described in this post) obsolete. It is always beneficial to define classy lenses and use them to document (and restrict) functions that access specific fields of “types that have those fields”. But if the type is even more general than that, there’s nothing more to do.

Finally, implementing payload inspection was incompatible with having a unified key store interface for both decryption and verification keys. (You can’t use the payload to help choose a decryption key becaues it is encrypted!) Therefore I renamed JWKStore to VerificationKeyStore.

Conclusion §

Let’s recap what this post was all about and draw some conclusions.

First, I discussed a requirement to generalise the jose library’s JWS validation code. Previously, validation worked only with a single JWK. It needed to handle other use cases like JWKSet or key databases. I defined the JWKStore type class, which provides access to JWKs inside arbitrary data types, and refactored verifyJWS to use it. Instances for JWK and JWKSet are included. The refactor was a backwards-compatible generalisation of verifyJWS function, so existing code using jose continued to work without changes.

After this, I added another function to JWKStore to allow instances to support efficient key lookup. Finally, I observed that key databases are needed for JWE as well as JWS, and further generalised JWKStore to account for this.

Classy optics were an important part of the implementation resulting from this refactoring effort. They were employed in two different ways. First, a Fold provides a read-only, composable interface to the keys in a JWKStore. Second, I used classy lenses to parameterise key lookup over the fields that are common to both JWS and JWE headers. Classy lenses provide the generality we desire and improve readability by documenting the data that can be used during key lookup (and enforcing these restrictions).

Finally I briefly discussed subsequent developments of the key store interface in jose. The important thing to note is that substantive backwards-compatible enhancements were achieved through more generality (polymorphism).

So here are some final take-aways:

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