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Writing tests for GHC

In this post I explain how to write functional tests for GHC, with examples.

Overview of the GHC test suite §

The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) is a huge project. It includes:

The test suite should test all the functional parts of GHC. There are different kinds of tests:

The GHC GitLab instances runs a continuous integration (CI) pipeline for all merge requests. It builds GHC and runs the test suite on a variety of target architectures and operating systems. Here’s an example for one of my merge requests.

The test suite driver is implemented in Python. Tests are described in terms of its library interface. I won’t discuss the implementation of the test driver—I just want to show you how to use it.

Writing tests §

In the GHC source repository, tests are organised heirarchically under testsuite/tests/. Bundled libraries can also supply tests. For example, some tests for base sit under libraries/base/tests/. .T files describe the tests, using the Python DSL. Usually the name all.T is used. The source code for each test lives alongside the .T file.

The test driver DSL §

Each test is described in a .T file by an invocation of the test function:

test(<name>, <setup>, <test-fn>, <args>)

Alongside the source file (<name>.hs) are optional files for specifying the input and output of the test program:

Example §

Test T20757 is a regression test for issue #20757. The test program source code lives in testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T20757.hs:

module Main where

import GHC.SysTools.BaseDir

main :: IO ()
main = findToolDir False "/" >>= print

The test driver file testsuite/tests/ghc-api/all.T declares the test (alongside several others):

     [unless(opsys('mingw32'), skip), exit_code(1)],
     ['-package ghc'])

This declaration:

Additionally, testsuite/tests/ghc-api/T20757.stderr exists. The test driver shall assert that whatever the test program writes to standard error matches the contents of that file.

Running tests §

I use Hadrian to build and test GHC:

% ./hadrian/build -j test

The -j[N] option sets the number of jobs that can be run in parallel. If the integer argument is not specified, it defaults to the number of CPU cores.

There are around 9000 tests in the GHC test suite. It takes a while to run them all (~15 minutes with 12 parallel jobs on my 12-core workstation). If you’re hacking on GHC you might want to limit the driver to one or just a few tests. Use the --only option to do this:

% ./hadrian/build -j test --only=T20757
SUMMARY for test run started at Wed May 18 22:58:26 2022 
0:00:00.162930 spent to go through
       1 total tests, which gave rise to
       9 test cases, of which
       9 were skipped
       0 had missing libraries

       0 expected passes
       0 expected failures

       0 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       0 unexpected passes
       0 unexpected failures
       0 unexpected stat failures
       0 fragile tests

Build completed in 1.30s

The driver ran zero tests. Well, I am using FreeBSD; T20757 skips on all platforms except Windows. Let’s add one more test. You can specify multiple tests via --only, separated by spaces:

% ./hadrian/build -j test --only="T20757 executablePath"
SUMMARY for test run started at Wed May 18 23:02:33 2022
0:00:00.513652 spent to go through
       2 total tests, which gave rise to
      18 test cases, of which
      17 were skipped
       0 had missing libraries

       1 expected passes
       0 expected failures

       0 caused framework failures
       0 caused framework warnings
       0 unexpected passes
       0 unexpected failures
       0 unexpected stat failures
       0 fragile tests

Build completed in 11.82s

That’s more like it.

Each test seems to inflate to 9 test cases. I think these correspond to the different compiler ways, and the test is only run for the configured way(s).

Use --test-verbose=[1,2,3,4,5] to see more verbose output. The commands and output for compiling and running the test program appear at level 3 and above.

See the GHC wiki for further details about running tests.

Testing executablePath §

In my previous post I described System.Environment.executablePath, an improved way to query the path to the executable file of the calling process.

executablePath :: Maybe (IO (Maybe FilePath))

The IO query is not defined on all platforms. Where it is defined, its behaviour differs by platform. So it is an interesting feature to test.

One could write multiple small test programs, one for each operating system. Then tell the test driver to run the test for the current system, and skip the others. Alternatively, define a single test program, but tell it what platform it’s running on. That is what I did.

The test driver declaration adds the operating system to the test program’s arguments:


The test program itself then implements some OS-aware checks of the behaviour of executablePath. First come lists of which systems have what behaviour:

canQuery = ["mingw32","freebsd","linux","darwin","netbsd"]
canDelete = ["freebsd","linux","darwin","netbsd"]
canQueryAfterDelete = ["netbsd"]

In main, grab the OS from the program arguments:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  [os] <- getArgs

Next grab the query function. If the query is expectedly undefined, stop here (exitSuccess). If the query is unexpected undefined, or unexpectedly defined, fail the test. Otherwise return the query.

  query <- case (os `elem` canQuery, executablePath) of
    (False, Nothing) -> exitSuccess
    (False, Just _) -> die "query unexpectedly defined"
    (True, Nothing) -> die "query unexpected not defined"
    (True, Just k) -> pure k

Now run the query. If it returns Nothing, fail the test (it should return a result).

  before <- query >>= \r -> case r of
    Nothing   -> die "query unexpectedly returned Nothing"
    Just path -> pure path

We need to compare the result (before) to the expected value. That is, the file executablePath in the current directory:

  cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
  let expected = cwd </> "executablePath"

Also drop the file extension (if any) from the result of the query. This is needed because GHC names the executables it generates with a file extension on some platforms (e.g. .exe on Windows).

  let actual = dropExtension before

Now compare expected and actual. Use equalFilePath because the query may return a non-normalised path on some systems (I have observed this on NetBSD):

  unless (equalFilePath actual expected) $
    die "query result did not match expected"

Now, what happens if we delete the executable while the process runs? First of all, some operating systems don’t even allow that. We grant those systems an honourable discharge. The remaining systems delete the file.

  unless (os `elem` canDelete)
  removeFile before

Finally we run the query again. Once again, the expected behaviour differs by platform. On Mac OS X and FreeBSD, we expect Nothing. But NetBSD successfully returns the original value.

  after <- query
  case after of
      | os `elem` canQueryAfterDelete
      -> die "query unexpected failed after delete"
      | otherwise
      -> pure ()
    Just _
      | os `elem` canQueryAfterDelete
      -> pure ()
      | otherwise
      -> die $ "query unexpected succeeded after delete"

Phew, quite a lot of code to test one little feature. There is no standard system interface for querying the executable path. So it is no surprise to see such diverse behaviour across different platforms—including no query mechanism at all (looking at you, OpenBSD).

Conclusion §

In this article I gave an introduction to writing tests for the GHC test suite, with some examples. The GHC wiki contains more comprehensive documentation. Performance tests are a more complex aspect of the GHC test suite which I didn’t discuss in detail.

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