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Fixing getExecutablePath on FreeBSD

System.Environment.getExecutablePath (part of the base library) returns the absolute pathname of the current executable. Except when it doesn’t. From my work on Dyre (a dynamic reconfiguration system for Haskell programs) I discovered that getExecutablePath did not work properly on FreeBSD. Fixing it involved FreeBSD’s sysctl(3) interface and the Haskell Foreign Function Interface (FFI).

How getExecutablePath is implemented §

The base library is part of GHC. getExecutablePath is defined in libraries/base/System/Environment/ExecutablePath.hsc (link is to the GHC 8.6.5 version). .hsc files are processed by hsc2hs, which provides helper directives for working with the FFI (it is also distributed with GHC).

ExecutablePath.hsc uses C Preprocessor (CPP) directives to select different implementations of getExecutablePath for different operating systems. In GHC 8.6 and earlier there were platform-specific implementations for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows (all the GHC Tier 1 platforms). And there is a fallback implementation when no platform-specific implementation is available (we shall see that it has some problems). All of the implementations use the FFI to some extent.

The Linux implementation §

Linux systems almost always mount procfs(5), a filesystem of information about running processes. Information about a particular process is published in files under /proc/{pid}/. A process can also find information about itself under /proc/self/.

A process can find out its own executable by reading /proc/self/exe, which is a symbolic link. And this is exactly what the implementation of getExecutablePath for Linux does:

getExecutablePath = readSymbolicLink $ "/proc/self/exe"

readSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
readSymbolicLink file =
    -- uses readlink(3) via FFI

The fallback implementation (has problems) §

When the base library does not have an operating system-specific implementation for getExecutablePath it falls back to argv[0]: the first value in the program’s argument array. However, this is not a reliable way to determine the actual executable that supplied the program text. Many programs and environments manipulate the contents of argv[0]. The execv*(3) family of calls, which replaces the current process with a new process image, allow the caller to specify an arbitrary argv.

As an example of argv[0] manipulation, consider System.Posix.Process.executeFile from the unix package. executeFile calls one of the execv*(3) subroutines (exactly which one depends on its own argument). But, as stated in the documentation:

The basename (leading directory names suppressed) of the command is passed to execv* as arg[0].

So if you use executeFile, argv[0] of the resulting process does not contain a full pathname. And you may not be able to resolve the basename to an executable via the PATH environment variable. Worse still, you may successfully resolve it to the wrong executable!

In fact, this was exactly the problem I experienced using Dyre on FreeBSD. Dyre automatically builds and caches an executable when it detects that configuration has changed, and exec(3)s the cached executable. On FreeBSD, the combination of executeFile argv[0] behaviour and use of the fallback getExecutablePath implementation caused Dyre to never recognise that it was running the cached executable. As a result, it entered an infinite loop of execv*(3).

Querying the current executable on FreeBSD §

It was clear that GHC needed a FreeBSD-specific implementation of getExecutablePath. So, what is the “proper” way to query the current process’ executable on FreeBSD?

FreeBSD does implement a procfs. Some of the file names differ from Linux’s procfs. For example, the “current executable” symlink path is /proc/curproc/file instead of /proc/self/exe. It would be a small change to parameterise the Linux implementation so that it can be used for FreeBSD. But unlike typical Linux systems, FreeBSD’s procfs is often unused and not even mounted (especially on servers). Therefore the procfs approach is not suitable for FreeBSD.

A bit of research revealed that the sysctl(3) interface is the proper and ubiquitous way to query the executable path on FreeBSD. sysctl(3) exposes a management information base (MIB), a tree structure where nodes are identified by a sequence of integers (object identifier or OID). For example, the kernel “maximum processes” setting has the OID [1, 6]. Some (but not all) OIDs have a string representation so that values can be queried or changed by the userland sysctl(8) utility:

% sysctl kern.maxproc 
kern.maxproc: 3828

To assist programmers reading and writing programs that use sysctl(3), important OID components are defined in <sys/sysctl.h>:

 * Top-level identifiers
#define CTL_UNSPEC  0  /* unused */
#define CTL_KERN    1  /* "high kernel": proc, limits */

 * CTL_KERN identifiers
#define KERN_MAXPROC  6  /* int: max processes */

The OID containing a process’ executable pathname is [1, 14, 12, $PID] where PID is the process ID, or -1 to refer to the current process. The C #defines for the first three components are CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, and KERN_PROC_PATHNAME.

Now that we know the OID, consider the signature of sysctl(3):

int sysctl(
    const int *name,
    u_int namelen,
    void *oldp,
    size_t *oldlenp,
    const void *newp,
    size_t newlen);

Therefore the procedure to query the current executable is:

  1. Invoke sysctl with oldp = NULL.
  2. Read oldlenp to determine size of datum.
  3. Allocate big enough buffer.
  4. Call sysctl again, with newly allocated buffer as oldp.
  5. Process the data in oldp.
  6. Free the buffer.

This is what the FreeBSD-specific implementation of getExecutablePath must do.

The FreeBSD implementation §

I will now walk through the different parts of the FreeBSD-specific implementation of getExecutablePath.

C Preprocessor guards §

System-specific implementations are guarded by CPP conditionals:

#if defined(darwin_HOST_OS)

... MacOS implementation

#elif defined(linux_HOST_OS)

... Linux implementation

#elif defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)

... Windows implementation


... fallback implementation


I added the appropriate guard to encapsulate the FreeBSD-specific implementation:

#elif defined(freebsd_HOST_OS)

... FreeBSD implementation

Similarly, in the import area CPP conditionals wrap the FreeBSD-specific Haskell imports and C header includes:

#elif defined(freebsd_HOST_OS)
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.Posix.Internals
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>

Foreign import §

A foreign import declaration makes sysctl(3) available to Haskell code as c_sysctl:

foreign import ccall unsafe "sysctl"
    :: Ptr CInt   -- MIB
    -> CUInt      -- MIB size
    -> Ptr CChar  -- old / current value buffer
    -> Ptr CSize  -- old / current value buffer size
    -> Ptr CChar  -- new value
    -> CSize      -- new value size
    -> IO CInt    -- result

Observe the correspondence to the C function signature. Because this function is not referentially transparent (different calls with the same arguments could have different results) the result type is IO CInt.

Defining the MIB §

The hsc2hs (#const ...) directive assists in the definition of the “current process executable” MIB:

mib :: [CInt]
mib =
  [ (#const CTL_KERN)
  , (#const KERN_PROC)
  , -1   -- current process

Defining getExecutablePath §

The getExecutablePath implementation closely follows the abstract procedure outlined above. So here it is, broken up with commentary (full diff):

getExecutablePath =
  withArrayLen mib $ \n mibPtr -> do

withArrayLen converts a Haskell list to a heap-allocated C array, passing it (as a pointer) and its length to the given continuation function. It will free the array after the continuation returns.

    let mibLen = fromIntegral n
    alloca $ \bufSizePtr -> do

Convert mibLen from Int to CInt. alloca allocates memory to hold a CSize (size_t) and passes a pointer to that memory to the given continuation (and frees it when the continuation returns).

      status <- c_sysctl mibPtr mibLen
                         nullPtr bufSizePtr nullPtr 0

Call sysctl(3) with oldp = NULL.

      case status of
        0 -> do
          reqBufSize <- fromIntegral <$> peek bufSizePtr
          allocaBytes reqBufSize $ \buf -> do

If the initial call to sysctl(3) succeeded, bufSizePtr holds the required buffer size. peek reads the value. Then allocaBytes allocates that much space on the heap and passes the pointer to the continuation (and frees it after).

            newStatus <- c_sysctl mibPtr mibLen
                                  buf bufSizePtr nullPtr 0
            case newStatus of
              0 -> peekFilePath buf
              _ -> throwErrno "getExecutablePath"
        _ -> throwErrno "getExecutablePath"

Call sysctl(3) again, this time using the new buffer (buf) as oldp. If successful, peekFilePath converts the C string to a Haskell FilePath. Although it is three continuations deep, this FilePath will be the return value. If either call to sysctl(3) failed, throwErrno throws an IOError.

Conclusion §

This was a small enhancement to GHC, but for me a critical one. I submitted a merge request. It was quickly accepted and the fix was released in GHC 8.8.1.

Although I didn’t address it in my pull request, there is an error in the getExecutablePath documentation. The argv[0] fallback implementation does not necessarily return an absolute pathname, as claimed. It would be better if platform-specific and fallback behaviours were fully explained.

If you would like to see fixes, enhancements or documentation improvements (hint, hint) in GHC, do not be afraid! GHC is a huge project. But after you work out what bits go where, it’s not necessarily hard to make changes. It helps a lot that it is written in Haskell! You can submit a pull request via the Haskell GitLab instance (you can sign in with GitHub credentials). Apart from this FreeBSD-related fix I have submitted a couple other changes to GHC. I have found the GHC developers are always friendly and willing to assist new and less experienced contributors.

By the way, I do not mean to trivialise GHC development. Some parts of it are truly daunting. But many parts are not. I believe that no Haskell developer—not even beginners—should be daunted by the idea of contributing to GHC, or believe that they cannot do it.

In terms of the Haskell FFI, this change captured a few interesting concepts, including:

The “allocate, call continuation and cleanup” pattern is prevalent in the Haskell Foreign.* modules. Even this small example goes three layers deep. More complex FFI use cases can go much deeper.

Important FFI topics that this case study did not engage include marshalling structs (something hsc2hs helps), ForeignPtrs and finalizers, and callbacks. So although I hope this case study may be instructive in some aspects of Haskell FFI usage, it is far from comprehensive.

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