
Prototyping a plugin system for Purebred

In this post I present an experimental design for a plugin system, where plugins’ capabilities are expressed in their types. The types are user-visible and human-friendly. This is achieved without sacrificing composability—plugins with different capabilities can be composed together.

Introduction §

I’m working on a plugin system for Purebred, a mail user agent program. The goal of every plugin system is to enable smooth integration (composition) of components from various packages into the main program, providing additional or alternative behaviour.

My secondary goal for this plugin system is to express as much information as possible about plugin behaviour through types. A plugin that purports to perform a pure computation (e.g. adding a User-Agent header to outgoing mail) should not be allowed to launch the missiles! Its type should express this constraint. Doing so communicates important information to the compiler (which enforces the constraints), and to humans (who will ask questions like, “How safe is this plugin?”)

Haskell provides for substantial and satisfying progress toward this objective, without compromising the primary goal of composition. After experimenting with several different approaches I arrived at the design that I am presenting here in this post. I will begin with a description of the test-bed program, then outline my requirements for a plugin system. Then I describe the solution, and conclude with a discussion of design tradeoffs and considerations for implementing this design in Purebred.

Test-bed program §

I wrote a small, simple program to serve as the test-bed for plugin system experimentation. This program reads a Bool and an Int from user input, negates the number if the Bool is True, and prints the result.


import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Control.Monad.State

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- read start values
  doNegate <- prompt "negate number? [True|False]"
  i <- prompt "number (Int)"

  (j, doNegate') <- flip runStateT doNegate $
    pure i  -- TODO run plugins

  -- print result
  let r = if doNegate' then negate j else j
  putStr "result: " *> print r

  prompt s = putStr (s <> ": ") *> hFlush stdout *> readLn

Running the program, telling it to negate the input and giving it the value 10, gives the following transcript:

ftweedal% ./Main
negate number? [True|False]: True
number (Int): 10
result: -10

I put a TODO where I want to execute plugin behaviour, in a StateT Bool IO Int computation. Plugins should be able to manipulate the Int result value, and/or read or modify the Bool state value, and/or perform I/O.

Plugin system requirements §

The requirements for my plugin system are:

Not in scope §

There are some other points in the plugin system design space that I am not trying to solve:

Solution §

In this section I describe the implementation of the prototype plugin system. The code is also available in a Git repository, under the CC0 license. You can clone, review, compile, test and experiment with the code yourself.

Language extensions §

I define the plugin types and helpers in Plugin.hs. Some language extensions are required:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}

module Plugin where

These extensions are uncontroversial. Only UndecidableInstances is a bit iffy, but it’s safe to use here. I shall indicate the declarations that require these extensions as we encounter them.

Main.hs and the modules defining the plugins themselves do not require any language extensions.

The Plugin type §

The test-bed program will execute plugins in the StateT Bool IO monad transformer stack. Each plugin takes an Int input and returns a (possibly modified) Int. The concrete type is of such a function is:

type Plugin = Int -> StateT Bool IO Int

One of the requirements is that the plugin function type must be abstract, so that the main program’s monad transformer stack can evolve if needed. We also know that different plugins will have different constraints, and that we want to express the constraints in the type. So let’s parameterise the function type over the constraint:

type Plugin ctx = forall m. (ctx m) => Int -> m Int

That declaration requires the RankNTypes and ConstraintKinds language extensions. To understand ConstraintKinds, let’s look at the kind of Plugin:

λ> :k Plugin
Plugin :: ((Type -> Type) -> Constraint) -> Type

Constraint is the kind of constraints (things that go before => in a type declaration). The Plugin type constructor has a single argument of kind (Type -> Type) -> Constraint. Here are some things that have that kind:

Applicative     :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
MonadIO         :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
MonadState Bool :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint

So we can, for example, apply Plugin to MonadState Bool, to construct the Type of a plugin that can read and write the program state:

Plugin (MonadState Bool) :: Type

Defining plugins this way has satisfied the capabilities and abstract requirements. The capabilities (✓) are visible in the type as abstract type class (✓) constraints.

In a real world scenario, there might be multiple parts of the main program to hook into. It is also useful to give a plugin a name, so that the program can express which plugins are in use, report errors, and so on. So I turned Plugin into a data type with a name field:

data Plugin ctx = Plugin
  { pluginName :: String
  , pluginHook :: forall m. (ctx m) => Int -> m Int

For applications with many hooks, it would be nice to wrap the hook fields in Maybe (so the plugin doesn’t have to implement them all). Alternatively, I could provide a helper function that initialises the hooks to “no-op” functions. Plugins would override the hooks they use. For this experiment there is only one hook, so I’ve skipped this for now.

Capabilities §

The plugin system could be used by non-programmers; the types have to make sense to them. What is a Plugin Applicative? What is a Plugin (MonadState Bool)?! I defined type synonyms for the various constraints, to (hopefully) make the plugin system more comprehensible to humans—programmer and non-programmer alike:

type Pure = Applicative
type CanIO = MonadIO
type CanRWState = MonadState Bool

Now we can say Plugin Pure, or Plugin CanRWState. This addresses the human-friendly requirement (in part, at least).

What if a plugin needs to use multiple capabilities? I first approached this by defining a type synonym:

type Unconstrained m = (CanIO m, CanRWState m)

Observe that Unconstrained has the required kind:

λ> :k Unconstrained
Unconstrained :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint

Unfortunately, we cannot use Unconstrained as an argument to Plugin, because type synonyms cannot be partially applied:

λ> :k Plugin Unconstrained

<interactive>:1:1: error:
    The type synonym ‘Unconstrained’ should have 1 argument,
    but has been given none

The Unsaturated Type Families proposal, when it lands, will hopefully lift this restriction. Until then, the same effect can be achieved with a type class and corresponding instance. The FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances and UndecidableInstances extensions are required for these declarations:

class (CanRWState m, CanIO m) => Unconstrained m where
  -- empty

instance (CanRWState m, CanIO m) => Unconstrained m where
  -- empty

These definitions give an instance for Unconstrained to any type that already has instances for all the constituent capabilities. It was not necessary to mention Pure/Applicative because it is a superclass of the other constraints.

Implementing plugins §

Now that I have defined the plugin type and capabilities, let’s implement some plugins.

Plugin.Double §

Plugin/Double.hs defines a “pure” plugin that doubles the Int value:

module Plugin.Double where

import Plugin

plugin :: Plugin Pure
plugin = Plugin "Double" $ pure . (*2)

Plugin.Offset §

Plugin/Offset.hs defines a “pure” plugin that adds a fixed offset to the Int value. The offset is configurable: applying mkPlugin to the configuration yields the plugin value. This satisfies our configuration requirement.

module Plugin.Offset where

import Plugin

mkPlugin :: Int -> Plugin Pure
mkPlugin offset = Plugin "Offset" $ pure . (+ offset)

Plugin.FlipNegate §

Plugin/FlipNegate.hs defines a plugin that inverts the value of doNegate in the program state. Therefore it is a Plugin CanRWState.

module Plugin.FlipNegate where

import Control.Monad.State (modify)
import Plugin

plugin :: Plugin CanRWState
plugin = Plugin "FlipNegate" $ \i -> i <$ modify not

Plugin.ShootLasers §

Plugin/ShootLasers.hs uses CanIO to shoot the lasers. Watch out!

module Plugin.ShootLasers where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Plugin

plugin :: Plugin CanIO
plugin = Plugin "ShootLasers" $
  \i -> i <$ liftIO (putStrLn "pew! pew!")

Composition §

The main program will have a list (or some other container) of zero or more plugins. And it will execute the plugin hooks at the relevant part of the program. OK, let’s build a list of plugins in Main.hs:

plugins =
  [ Plugin.Double.plugin
  , Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100

main :: IO ()
main =

So far so good! Now let’s add ShootLasers to the mix:

plugins =
  [ Plugin.Double.plugin
  , Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100
  , Plugin.ShootLasers.plugin

main :: IO ()
main =

Uh oh:

Main.hs:16:5: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘MonadIO’ with ‘Applicative’
      Expected type: Plugin Pure
        Actual type: Plugin CanIO
    • In the expression: Plugin.ShootLasers.plugin
      In the expression:
        [Plugin.Noop.plugin, (Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure),
         (Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100), Plugin.ShootLasers.plugin]
      In an equation for ‘plugins’:
            = [Plugin.Noop.plugin, (Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure),
               (Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100), ....]
16 |   , Plugin.ShootLasers.plugin
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Applicative is a superclass of MonadIO. Abstract types with these constraints can unify, but the concrete types Plugin MonadIO and Plugin Applicative do not unify. We cannot put them together in a list.

So when composing plugins, we need a way to relax the constraints of individual plugins to the “lowest common denominator”. That is, we have to construct a list of Plugin Unconstrained. Therefore we need a function to turn a Plugin ctx into a Plugin Unconstrained, provided that Unconstrained “encompasses” ctx. The relax function accomplishes this:

  :: (forall m. ctx' m => ctx m)
  => Plugin ctx -> Plugin ctx'
relax (Plugin n fs) = Plugin n fs

Note the constraint: (forall m. ctx' m => ctx m). This requires the QuantifiedConstraints language extension. It means that the function is defined only if ctx (the input plugin capability) is implied by ctx' (the output capability).

Now we can use relax to construct a [Plugin Unconstrained], because Unconstrained implies all of the individual capabilities available to plugins:

plugins :: [Plugin Unconstrained]
plugins =
  [ relax Plugin.Double.plugin
  , relax (Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100)
  , relax Plugin.FlipNegate.plugin
  , relax Plugin.ShootLasers.plugin

main :: IO ()
main =

The prototype now satisfies the composition requirement.

Executing plugins §

The final step is to update the main program to execute the plugins. Where previously we had pure i (and a TODO comment), we now have the Kleisli composition (monadic chaining via (>=>)) of the plugin hook functions, applied to i:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- read start values
  doNegate <- prompt "negate number? [True|False]"
  i <- prompt "number (Int)"

  (j, doNegate') <- flip runStateT doNegate $
    foldr (>=>) pure (fmap pluginHook plugins) i

  -- print result
  let r = if doNegate' then negate j else j
  putStr "result: " *> print r

  prompt s = putStr (s <> ": ") *> hFlush stdout *> readLn

This time running the program, telling it to negate the input and giving it the value 10, gives the following transcript:

ftweedal% ./Main
negate number? [True|False]: True
number (Int): 10
pew! pew!
result: 120

We can see that:

As a result, the final output of the program was 120. Note that the order of plugins is significant. Plugins appearing earlier in the list are executed earlier.

Discussion §

Paranoia §

It’s all good and well that plugins express their types. But what’s to stop a Plugin Pure sneakily evolving into a Plugin CanIO upon a new release, and compromising your system?

The paranoid user can mitigate this risk by providing explicit type signatures for each plugin installed in the main program:

plugins :: [Plugin Unconstrained]
plugins =
  [ relax (Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure)
  , relax (Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100 :: Plugin Pure)
  , relax (Plugin.FlipNegate.plugin :: Plugin CanRWState)
  , relax (Plugin.ShootLasers.plugin :: Plugin CanIO)

If any plugin releases a new version that require additional (or fewer) capabilities its type will change, resulting in a type error. For example, if Double becomes a Plugin CanIO, GHC gives the following type error:

Main.hs:14:12: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘MonadIO’ with ‘Applicative’
      Expected type: Plugin Pure
        Actual type: Plugin CanIO
    • In the first argument of ‘relax’, namely
        ‘(Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure)’
      In the expression: relax (Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure)
      In the expression:
        [relax (Plugin.Noop.plugin :: Plugin Pure),
         relax (Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure),
         relax (Plugin.Offset.mkPlugin 100 :: Plugin Pure),
         relax (Plugin.FlipNegate.plugin :: Plugin CanRWState), ....]
14 |   , relax (Plugin.Double.plugin :: Plugin Pure)
   |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thanks to the constraint type synonyms, the type error is (in my opinion) understandable. Perhaps even non-programmers could make sense of it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hint at what a user should do to solve it. A better error message would suggest to use relax or to review the plugin’s type. GHC has some support for user-defined type errors, but at this time it is not possible to augment ordinary type mismatch errors.

Multiple hook functions §

In real world applications, there can be multiple kinds of plugin functions relating to different behaviours in the main program. For example, Purebred will have a hook for processing a message prior to displaying it, and another hook for manipulating outgoing emails. Some plugins will only use a single hook, but others will use multiple hooks. For example, an OpenPGP plugin would perform decryption and signature verification when preparing a message for display, and perform signing and/or encryption when sending mail.

It is possible that a plugin might require different capabilities for different hooks. This poses a complex design question, with several possible solutions:

I chose the last approach, for a few reasons. First, when it comes to I/O in particular, if you are trusting any part of the plugin with CanIO, from a risk perspective it doesn’t matter much that other parts cannot perform I/O. Second, I suspect that plugins that use multiple hooks and use different capabilities for those hooks will be uncommon. For me, prioritising API stability and ease of use made the choice easy. But it is still worthwhile to discuss the tradeoffs and alternatives.

Implementation considerations §

Some implementation considerations that arise when applying this plugin system design in Purebred (real-world programs in general) include:

Conclusion §

My goal was to design a plugin system for Purebred offering composition; capabilities expressed through human-friendly types, enforced by the type system; and abstract plugin implementations so that the main program can evolve. Additionally, there had to be a way to provide configuration to plugins that require it. The prototype plugin system described in this post satisfies these requirements.

I left several regions of the plugin system design space unexplored, including dynamic (re)loading of plugins and plugin-specific data and state. These are interesting and challenging problems, but they are not problems that the Purebred project needs to solve right now.

The next step is to take what I’ve learned from this prototype and implement it in Purebred. There will be some new challenges there, and I expect the experience to provide ample material for a follow-up blog post—or several.

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .