
A combinator library for taxes

Doing your taxes is no fun. But functional programming can ease the pain. In this post I describe and demonstrate the Haskell tax library, which provides data types and combinators for defining taxes.

What is a tax? §

Wikipedia defines a tax as a compulsory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed on a taxpayer. Most taxes have monetary “inputs and outputs” but other kinds of taxation exist, such as the corvée. Therefore tax defines a type that is abstracted over its inputs and outputs:

newtype Tax b a = Tax { getTax :: b -> a }
  deriving (Semigroup, Monoid, Functor, Profunctor)

The Tax b a type is a wrapper around the function type (b -> a). Although (->) has all the instances we need, I found it more ergonomic to define a new type that communicates the intent of the values. The GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving extension enables automatic derivation of the following type class instances:

instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Tax b a)
instance    Monoid a =>    Monoid (Tax b a)
instance Functor (Tax b)
instance Profunctor Tax

The Semigroup operation sums outputs. The Monoid identity is a 0% tax.

λ> getTax (flat 0.1 <> flat 0.2 <> mempty) (Money 10)

For convenience, tax exports a type synonym for taxes whose inputs and outputs are money (of the same type). The input is an amount subject to taxation (often income), and the output is the tax due:

type MoneyTax a = Tax (Money a) (Money a)

The Money type comes from the dollaridoos package.

newtype Money a = Money a
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

Money restricts the operations that can be performed by omitting a Num instance. Dedicated functions provide the operations that make sense for money, like scalar multiplication:

($*) :: (Num a) => Money a ->       a -> Money a
(*$) :: (Num a) =>       a -> Money a -> Money a

Money a also has instances for Semigroup and Monoid when the wrapped type has an instance of Num:

instance (Num a) => Semigroup (Money a)
instance (Num a) =>    Monoid (Money a)

All types in tax are abstracted over the numeric representation. Different applications can have different requirements for precision. Users may want to use a type that carries additional context, such as a currency. Therefore tax lets the user choose the numeric representation to use.

Constructing taxes §

The most basic taxes are lump sums, and flat-rate taxes:

lump :: a -> Tax b a
lump = Tax . const

flat :: (Num a) => a -> Tax (Money a) (Money a)
flat = Tax . (*$)

Some other common taxation constructions include taxing the amount above some threshold at a flat rate, or taxing the whole amount at a flat rate when it exceeds the threshold. These functions have the same type signature (I’ll show the implementation later):

above, threshold
  :: (Num a, Ord a)
  => Money a -> a -> Tax (Money a) (Money a)

Combinators §

More complex taxes can be built using a handful of combinators (functions that assemble smaller components into more complicated structures). This section describes the combinators provided by the tax package.

Levy the lesser or greater of two taxes:

lesserOf, greaterOf
  :: (Ord a) => Tax b a -> Tax b a -> Tax b a
lesserOf  t1 t2 = Tax (min <$> getTax t1 <*> getTax t2)
greaterOf t1 t2 = Tax (max <$> getTax t1 <*> getTax t2)

Limit the tax payable to a given amount:

limit :: (Ord a) => a -> Tax b a -> Tax b a
limit = lesserOf . lump

Whereas above and threshold use flat rates, above' and threshold' subject the taxable portion of the input to arbitrary Tax computations:

above' :: (Num b, Ord b)
       => Money b -> Tax (Money b) a -> Tax (Money b) a
above' l = lmap (\x -> max (x $-$ l) mempty)

threshold' :: (Ord b, Monoid a) => b -> Tax b a -> Tax b a
threshold' l tax =
  Tax (\x -> if x >= l then getTax tax x else mempty)

In above', note the use of lmap to reduce (via the Money subtraction function ($-$)) the amount the tax is levied upon. This is the first usage of the Profunctor instance, but it will not be the last.

With above' and threshold' in hand, we now see that the implementations of above and threshold (which apply flat-rate taxes) are trivial:

above, threshold
  :: (Num a, Ord a)
  => Money a -> a -> Tax (Money a) (Money a)
above     l = above'     l . flat
threshold l = threshold' l . flat

In real world use, I have not (so far) used above' or threshold'; the flat rate variants sufficed. Nevertheless, for completeness tax exports the general variants.

Examples §

Progressive tax §

Many countries use progressive taxes, where different bands of income are taxed at increasing flat rates. For example, in Australia for the 2020–21 financial year the first $18,200 is tax free, with income between $18,200 and $45,000 taxed at 19%, then 32.5% up to $120,000, 37% up to $180,000, and 45% above $180,000.

Observe that the Monoid instance for Tax sums the outputs of constituent taxes applied to the same input. We can define a function that takes a list of thresholds and rates, and constructs a progressive tax:

marginal :: (Num a, Ord a)
         => [(Money a, a)] -> Tax (Money a) (Money a)
marginal = foldMap (uncurry above)

Because of the accumulative behaviour, the rate for each band must be the difference to the previous band. The rate for the first band is implicitly the delta to 0%. The Australian regime can be expressed as:

ausTax :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => Tax (Money a) (Money a)
ausTax = marginal
  [ ( Money 18200,  0.19  - 0     )
  , ( Money 45000,  0.325 - 0.19  )
  , ( Money 120000, 0.37  - 0.325 )
  , ( Money 180000, 0.45  - 0.37  ) ]

The marginal function is useful enough that the tax package provides it.

Shade in §

Australia’s public health system is funded by the Medicare Levy. It is currently 2% of income, but people below a certain threshold are exempt (the threshold changes each year). The amount above the threshold is taxed at 10% until it reaches 2% of the input. This prevents a sudden jump in tax owed and eliminates a perverse incentive to earn less than the threshold (if your income is around that number). The Australian Taxation Office calls this construction a shade in.

Using the functions defined above and taking the lower shade in threshold as a parameter, this tax is an elegant one-liner:

  :: (Fractional a, Ord a)
  => Money a -> Tax (Money a) (Money a)
medicareLevy l = lesserOf (above l 0.1) (flat 0.02)

Tax offsets §

A tax doesn’t have to result in an amount owed. Maybe your government will give you some money based on your income. Indeed Australia has some tax offsets that reduce the tax paid by people on lower incomes.

An example is the Low Income Tax Offset, which was previously defined as: $445, reduced by 1.5c for every dollar earned over $37,000 (the current definition is more complex). We can implement it like so:

lito :: (Fractional a, Ord a) => Tax (Money a) (Money a)
lito = limit mempty
  (lump (Money (-445)) <> above (Money 37000) 0.015)

limit mempty ensures that the result does not exceed $0.

Withholding tax §

Many jurisdictions collect income taxes by requiring employers to remit a portion of employees’ wages directly to the tax authority. In Australia, the amount to withhold from a payment can be determined by extrapolating the amount to an annual income, computing the tax due, then dividing it back down to the pay period.

We can use the Profunctor instance to compute the amount to withhold for different pay periods. Think of dimap f g as an adapter that modifies that data flowing in (via f) and out (via g) of the target computation.

allTaxes = ausTax <> medicareLevy (Money 23226) <> lito

weeklyWithholding      = dimap ($* 52) ($/ 52) allTaxes
fortnightlyWithholding = dimap ($* 26) ($/ 26) allTaxes
monthlyWithholding     = dimap ($* 12) ($/ 12) allTaxes

The examples above are not correct when there are 53 weekly or 27 fortnightly payments in a financial year. Can you see how to define the correct computation?

In the example I ignored some rounding rules. I also omitted several other tax components. It is an example, not a complete solution!

Conclusion §

I hope you have enjoyed this tour of the tax library. Of course, most real tax systems are much more complex than the handful of examples in this article. But tax provides building blocks for defining many kinds of taxes.

My tax-ato package builds upon tax to provide types and behaviour for tax in Australia. In addition to the kinds of taxes described in this article it also handles capital gains tax, franking credits, student loan repayments, deductions, and other concepts. I use it to predict and record my own tax obligations. If you need to perform calculations related to tax in Australia, you might find it useful too. It is definitely not complete and comes with no guarantee of correctness.

One final note: oh how I wish Haskell would decouple numeric literals from the Num and Fractional type classes. Money cannot have instances of these type classes because like other dimensional types, it is is not closed under multiplication and division. As a consequence, we have to lift bare numeric values into Money in several places. Separate type classes for numeric literals would avoid this. (IsIntegral and IsRational might be sensible names, following the pattern of IsString and IsList). Ultimately this is a minor inconvenience, but does add friction to using dollaridoos, tax, and programs that use these libraries.

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