
Hakyll how-to: pages without source files

Hakyll is a static website builder. The typical use case is to take some files written in lightweight markup and compile them into static HTML. Besides the sources for the main content, there are also HTML templates, CSS, perhaps some JavaScript, images and so on.

But perhaps you need to build a site from sources other than local files. Possible scenarios include:

As a static site builder, Hakyll can be a good choice for publishing data that change infrequently. In this post I demonstrate how to generate Hakyll site content without corresponding source files.

Use case: Web Key Directory §

My use case was to generate a Web Key Directory (WKD) for my personal OpenPGP keys. OpenPGP clients can use WKD for key discovery. WKD is an alternative to the older keyserver system, which has some problems. It works as follows:

  1. The client seeks a key for identity Joe.Doe@example.org.

  2. Lower-case, digest (SHA-1) and z-base-32 encode the address local part (Joe.Doeiy9q119eutrkn8s1mk4r39qejnbu3n5q).

  3. The client performs HTTP GET request for:


    This is called the advanced method.

  4. The server responds with the binary encoding of the key (or a 404).

  5. As a fallback, the client tries:


    This is called the direct method.

Observe that, up to case-sensitivity of the email local part, the server does not necessarily need to use the ?l=Joe.Doe query parameter. If the local part is case-insensitive (it usually is) then the digest, which is part of the URI path, is enough. Therefore an HTTP server serving static files can be a functional WKD server. You just need to build the directory.

The advanced method has several advantages over the direct method. Users or organisations with multiple domains can maintain a single unified WKD, or delegate to an external service. The advanced method does not interfere with existing sites. On the down side, the openpgpkey DNS subdomain must be configured for each domain. The TLS requirement is hardly a disadvantage, because of ACME.

Building a Web Key Directory with Hakyll §

Reading keys from GnuPG §

GnuPG is my OpenPGP client. My Hakyll program invokes gpg to list and extract keys. Here are the types of the functions involved (I will not detail their implementations):

type KeyId = String
type Uid = (String, String) -- ^ local-part, domain

listKeys :: IO (L8.ByteString)
exportKey :: KeyId -> Uid -> Compiler (Item L8.ByteString)
hashLocalPart :: String -> String
extractUserIds :: L8.ByteString -> [Uid]

I used the typed-process package to execute GnuPG. The --with-colons option is helpful for inspecting keys and their user IDs. You can use an --export-filter to select the user ID(s) to export. The man pages and DETAILS file contain all the information you need for programmatic interaction with GnuPG.

Creating resources §

Hakyll sites use match to generate compilation rules for local resources. For example:

match "posts/*.md" $ do
  route $ setExtension "html"
  compile pandocCompiler

But there are no local files to match. Instead, we use create to declare new resources. These resources can be routed to like any other, but we must synthesise the content. The following function, given a key ID and an email address, exports the key from GnuPG and establishes the route.

wkdUid :: KeyId -> Uid -> Rules ()
wkdUid keyId uid@(localPart, domain) = do
  let path = ".well-known/openpgpkey/" <> domain <> "/hu/"
             <> hashLocalPart localPart
  create [fromFilePath path] $ do
    route $ idRoute
    compile $ exportKey keyId uid

create is applied to a list of resource identifiers, and a Rules () for compiling and routing the resource. I am not showing the implementation of exportKey; it’s enough to know that it uses IO. Hakyll provides unsafeCompiler :: IO a -> Compiler a for executing I/O actions in compiler context.

wkdUid creates the key resource for a single user ID. A key can have multiple user IDs. wkUIDs on a specified KeydKey creates the Hakyll Rules () for all user IDs on a given key:

wkdKey :: KeyId -> Rules ()
wkdKey keyId = do
  out <- preprocess listKeys
  let uids = extractUserIds out
  traverse_ (wkdUid keyId) uids

preprocess :: IO a -> Rules a embeds an I/O action in the Rules context. Hakyll executes the action eagerly, unlike unsafeCompiler which is run on demand. This makes sense—we need to listKeys first to work out what resources to create.

Having extracted the user IDs, we traverse_ them to create the WKD resources. We also use traverse_ at the outmost layer of the program to invoke wkdKey for each key ID given on standard input:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  keys <- words <$> getContents -- read stdin
  hakyll $ traverse_ wkdKey keys

How Hakyll compiling works §

Let’s dive a bit deeper into how compiling works. The compile function adds a content compiler to the Rules for resources. It’s type is:

    :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a)
    => Compiler (Item a)
    -> Rules ()

The compiler argument has to return an Item a, where a has several type class constraints. Binary and Typeable are used by Hakyll’s caching mechanism. Writable is what Hakyll uses to write the compiled resource to the site output. There are several instances, including for String, ByteString (lazy and strict), and Html. Hakyll provides makeItem :: a -> Compiler (Item a) for returning an Item a.

As an example, here is a compiler that executes a subprocess and returns the standard output:

  :: String -> [String] -> Compiler (Item L.ByteString)
processCompiler exe args = do
  (_status, out, _err) <-
    unsafeCompiler . readProcess $ proc exe args
  makeItem out

Conclusion §

I have demonstrated how to use Hakyll to create content derived not from local files, but other sources (GnuPG in my case). Is this actually a good idea? For one-shot applications and data that don’t change frequently, I think it is fine. Hakyll takes care of all the filesystem I/O, relieving me of some tedium and avoiding a possible source of bugs.

For my WKD use case, I can rebuild the site when my keys have been updated, then rsync it to my web server. The program is well under 100 lines of code—including imports! Source code is available on GitHub under AGPLv3. At time of writing I have not published it on Hackage.

Because there are no local file dependencies for the resources, Hakyll does not know to recompile it. You have to rebuild every time. This may be a practical issue for some use cases, though not for mine.

In general, it would be useful to be able to specify arbitrary freshness checks for resources. Unfortunately Hakyll’s implementation does not readily admit such a feature. But it was straightforward to add unconditional rebuilding on a per-resource basis. I submitted a pull request to add the forceCompile helper function. Example usage:

-- compile this resource every time
forceCompile $ create ["foo"] $ do
  route $ idRoute
  compile $ unsafeCompiler $ doStuff

This feature was accepted and will appear in a future release of Hakyll.

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