
Purebred plugin system: implementation

I previously wrote about a prototype plugin system for Purebred. In this post I discuss some improvements to the design, and report on the implementation progress.

Recap §

The requirements for the plugin system were:

The prototype design satisfied these requirements, with some caveats. The biggest deficiencies were that the plugin’s type does not reveal which hook(s) the plugin uses, and the plugin’s type expresses the union of capabilities needed by all its hook functions. There was no way for a plugin to say, for example, that it uses CanIO for one hook, and CanRWState for some other hook.

Plugin record type improvements §

Recall the Plugin record type from the previous article:

data Plugin ctx = Plugin
  { pluginName :: String
  , pluginHook :: forall m. (ctx m) => Int -> m Int

ctx is the capability, for example CanIO. The many hooks in a real application would appear as additional fields in this record type. One consequence of this design is that the capability of the plugin as a whole must be the union of capabilities actually required by the plugin’s hook functions.

It also means that there is no way for the application to offer limited capabliities to some hooks. Put another way, all capabilities are available to all hooks. This does not reflect the needs of real applications; they may need to restrict which capabilities are available in different hooks.

The plugin system implemented in Purebred improves on the prototype design. We define the plugin record type, now called PluginDict, as follows:

data PluginDict = PluginDict
  { _pluginName :: String
  , _pluginVersion :: Version
  , _pluginBuiltIn :: Bool
  , _configHook :: ConfigHook CanIO
  , _preSendHook :: PreSendHook Unconstrained

The ctx type parameter is gone. Instead, each hook function field specifies the capabilities available to that hook.

Each hook function is no longer a bare function but is wrapped in a newtype. This (I feel) improves readability. It allows lenses to be defined, without resorting the GHC’s currently-flaky support for impredicative types. Use of optics is also why the field accessors, which are not exported, are prefixed with _.

As an example of a hook type, here is the definition of PreSendHook:

newtype PreSendHook cap = PreSendHook
  ( forall m. (cap m) => MIMEMessage -> m MIMEMessage )

  :: (cap m)
  => PreSendHook cap -> MIMEMessage -> m MIMEMessage
getPreSendHook (PreSendHook f) = f

getSendPreHook must be a standalone function, not a field accessor. This is because GHC 9.0.1 and later preserve the written order of quantified type variables in field selectors (release note):

λ> data T c = T { unT :: forall m. (c m) => () -> m () }
λ> :t unT
-- GHC 8.10.5
unT :: c m => T c -> () -> m ()
-- GHC 9.0.1
unT :: T c -> forall (m :: * -> *). c m => () -> m ()

Finally, I added a field to store the plugin version, and a boolean to distinguish between built-in and external plugins. We (the Purebred authors) intend to use the plugin system to provide some baseline functionality. But we do not want to treat these behaviours as plugins from the user’s point of view. The _pluginBuiltIn field lets us discriminate.

Public plugin type improvements §

Plugin modules no longer export a plugin record value (what we now call PluginDict). The Plugin type lives on, in a different form:

data Plugin hooks = Plugin String Version hooks

A Plugin value has a name, version, and hooks. What is hooks? It is best understood in the context of the usePlugin function. Like the relax function from the prototype, usePlugin monomorphises plugins and prepares them for use in the main program.

usePlugin :: (Hook hooks) => Plugin hooks -> PluginDict
usePlugin (Plugin name ver hook) =
  setHook hook $
    PluginDict name ver False
      (ConfigHook pure)
      (PreSendHook pure)

usePlugin constructs a PluginDict full of no-op hooks, then sets the plugin’s hooks via the setHook function. hooks must have an instance of the Hook type class:

class Hook t where
  setHook :: t -> PluginDict -> PluginDict

Each hook function type has an instance of Hook. These instances set the hook function in the PluginDict. A quantified constraint ensures the capabilities demanded by the hook function do not exceed the capabilities offered. Here, as an example, is the instance for PreSendHook:

   (forall m. Unconstrained m => cap m)
    => Hook (PreSendHook cap) where
  setHook (PreSendHook f) = set preSendHook (PreSendHook f)

This is another reason why it was necessary to newtype all the hook functions.

To support plugins that use multiple hooks, we declare an instance of Hook for pairs (2-tuples). This allows plugins to define as many hooks as they need, using nested tuples:

instance (Hook h1, Hook h2) => Hook (h1, h2) where
  setHook (h1, h2) = setHook h1 . setHook h2

Implementing plugins §

Plugins construct and export a Plugin hook value, where hook is a hook function type or a nested tuple of the same.

If a plugin defines the same hook multiple times, usePlugin discards all but the “leftmost” occurrence.

Here is the implementation of our User-Agent plugin:

module Purebred.Plugin.UserAgent (plugin) where

import Control.Lens (set, view)
import Data.MIME (headerText)
import Purebred.Plugin
import Purebred.Version (version, userAgent)
import Purebred.Types (confCharset)

plugin :: Plugin (PreSendHook CanReadConfig)
plugin = Plugin "UserAgent" version (PreSendHook hook) where
  hook msg = do
    charsets <- view confCharsets
    let l = headerText charsets "User-Agent"
    pure $ set l (Just userAgent) msg

The concrete type of a plugin shows the hook(s) used by the plugin, and the capabilities required by each hook. If a plugin needs to use multiple hooks, use nested pairs. In the example above, plugin uses the PreSendHook with the CanReadConfig capability. The type proves that the the User-Agent plugin only uses the PreSendHook, cannot perform I/O, and so on.

We could define Hook instances for 3-tuples, 4-tuples, and so on. But I decided not to, because where does it end? Besides, I don’t think there will be many plugins that use more than two hooks.

The name of the plugin value (plugin in the preceding example) is not important. Plugin authors can use whatever name makes sense. Plugins that require configuration should export a function instead of a plain Plugin value, as in the following examples:

module Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig where

import Purebred.Plugin
import Purebred.Version (version)
import Purebred.Types (UserConfiguration)

  :: (UserConfiguration -> UserConfiguration)
  -> Plugin (ConfigHook Pure)
tweakConfig hook =
  Plugin "Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig" version
    (ConfigHook (pure . hook))

  :: ( forall m. (CanIO m) =>
       UserConfiguration -> m UserConfiguration )
  -> Plugin (ConfigHook CanIO)
tweakConfigWithIO hook =
  Plugin "Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig (IO)" version
    (ConfigHook hook)

The TweakConfig module provides two variants of a plugin to adjust Purebred’s configuration at startup. tweakConfig takes a pure transformation and yields a Plugin (ConfigHook Pure), whereas tweakConfigWithIO allows the use of IO.

Using plugins §

Users apply usePlugin to each plugin and produce a [PluginDict]. That list is then given as argument to the main Purebred entry point:

purebred :: [PluginDict] -> IO ()

The user configuration file, in a basic sense, is a program that constructs a list of plugins and applies purebred to it. Here is a cut-down version of my ~/.config/purebred/purebred.hs:

import Purebred
import qualified Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig
import qualified Purebred.Plugin.ICU

listKeybindings =
  [ {- my preferred keybindings -} ]

tweak =
    over (confIndexView . ivBrowseThreadsKeybindings)
         (listKeybindings <>)
  . set (confNotmuch . nmNewTag) "inbox"

main = purebred
  [ usePlugin $
      Purebred.Plugin.TweakConfig.tweakConfig tweak
  , usePlugin

Some plugins have no configuration and just do their thing. But other plugins may require the user to construct a substantial configuration. A PGP/MIME plugin that uses GnuPG, though not written yet, seems likely to have a lot of knobs. Plugins that require configuration should offer ergonomic ways to construct sensible, safe configurations.

Built-in plugins §

defaultConfig is the default UserConfiguration value. It is not exported, but it can be modified by ConfigHooks. Built-in plugins are already set in the confPlugins field of defaultConfig:

defaultConfig :: UserConfiguration
defaultConfig = Configuration
  { _confPlugins = set pluginBuiltIn True <$>
      [ usePlugin Purebred.Plugin.UserAgent.plugin



usePlugin sets the pluginBuiltIn field to False. But we reset it to True for all built-in plugins. The pluginBuiltIn optic is not exported. Therefore users cannot change the treatment of a plugin from built-in to external, or vice versa.

The purebred entry point merges user-supplied plugins with the built-in plugins:

purebred :: [PluginDict] -> IO ()
purebred plugins = do

    cfg = over confPlugins (plugins <>) defaultConfig
    dyreParams =
  Dyre.wrapMain dyreParams cfg

Executing plugins §

Purebred executes ConfigHooks immediately after Dyre (the configuration system) invokes the “real main” action (called launch):

launch :: UserConfiguration -> IO ()
launch inCfg = do
    plugins = view confPlugins inCfg
    hooks = getConfigHook . view configHook <$> plugins
  cfg <- foldr (>=>) pure hooks inCfg

PreSendHooks are executed in the action that sends mail:

  let msg =
  hooks <- uses (asConfig . confPlugins)
           (fmap (getPreSendHook . view preSendHook))
  cfg <- use asConfig
  msg' <- runReaderT (foldr (>=>) pure hooks msg) cfg
  k (buildMessage msg')

These two examples reveal a pattern for hook execution:

  1. Extract the relevant hook functions from the [PluginDict]

  2. Use Kleisli composition (>=>) to fold the list into a single action.

  3. Execute the composed action, using transformers if necessary.

This pattern applies when the hook function type has the shape a -> m a. So far, all the hook functions have that shape.

Hooks in Purebred §

The hooks we have already implemented are:

Hooks we haven’t implemented, but must, include (names subject to change):

We have thought of some other hooks that seem useful, but haven’t yet committed to implementing:

Purebred also needs an “address book” interface. We want plugins to be able to provide address book behaviour. But we haven’t designed it yet. It remains to be seen whether we will do it by way of hooks (as described in this post), or by updating the main configuration (via ConfigHook), or by some other means.

Discussion §

Although I felt that the prototype design did satisfy the capabilities requirement, there were some deficiencies. I identified and discussed these in the original article. In particular, the Plugin type did not express which hooks the plugin uses, nor could a plugin acquire different capabilities for different hooks. The updated design eliminates these deficiencies.

Plugins now have a version field, and the internal representation also distinguishes between built-in and external plugins. We use this to hide built-ins when listing plugins in the --version output.

The problems of UI interaction, and how plugins can store and use plugin-specific state, remain unsolved.

There is also the question of hook execution order or priority. Hook functions process and potentially modify a datum of interest, such as a Message or a ByteString. Consider ReadHook, for processing messages as they’re read from disk, and its hypothetical counterpart WriteHook. A plugin for on-disk mail compression would use these hooks. When reading mail, decompression must precede other operations. When writing, compression should be the final step. The current implementation runs plugins hooks in the order they’re stored—external plugins first, then built-ins. So plugins that involve dual operations (compression, encryption) present inherent challenges. And there is no way to tame unwanted interactions between external and built-in plugins.

For now, the ordering problem is theoretical. I haven’t encountered it in practice, because few plugins have been implemented. So I’m not going to try to solve the problem prematurely. I have an idea that does not add much complexity and should be simple for users to understand. But I will save that discussion for a future post.

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